Administration (City Hall)
Administration is responsible for implementing policies adopted by the City Council and assists with coordinating the operations of all departments. The department supports the work of the City Council by managing Council agendas, directing the flow of information and requests for action to the Council, oftentimes by performing research, writing reports and making recommendations. In addition, Administration is responsible for: (1) general administration (2) issuance of various permits/licenses (3) City Code enforcement (4) Utility billing (5) Finance (6) Human Resources (7) maintenance of City records and (8) Elections
City Administrator
The City Administrator serves as Chief Administrative Officer for the City and is appointed by and reports to the Mayor and City Council. The City Administrator supervises and coordinates all department activities, handles citizen inquires and requests, implements policies of the City Council and coordinates enforcement of ordinances. Additional responsibilities include advising the City Council on policy issues, preparation of the annual budget, Human Resources, Economic Development and Elections.
[Click Here - Administration (City Hall) Staff Contacts]