Police Department
1400 Commerce Dr SE
PO Box 357
Lonsdale, MN 55046
Phone No.
507-744-2300 (Office)
507-334-4391 (Dispatch)
911 (Emergency)
507-744-5533 (Fax)
What the Lonsdale Police Department Provides to the Residents of Lonsdale:
üCommunity Policing: Making a presence in our community in a friendly and neighborly manner, reducing speeding throughout the city, investigating and reducing crime/vandalism, ensuring a safe environment for our citizens, and so much more!!
üChecking Parks and Local Business throughout the day and night.
üCreating a safe environment during local celebrations; for example Community Days and National Night Out.
üExtra Patrol in areas when requested by the public.
üResponding to Emergency and Non-Emergency calls.
üAssisting surrounding agencies and neighborhoods when asked.
ü24 hour service year round!!
The Lonsdale Police Department, in partnership with our community, provides impartial, ethical, respectful, quality, and professional law enforcement service and protection. We strive to maintain the trust, confidence, and dignity of our citizens while working to improve the quality of life and safety of the community.